blog 307

Write about a project you’re particularly proud of. What did you do that worked out well?

Lane Garner
2 min readJan 4, 2021

While working on my portfolio page I spent a lot of time planning out the page. From wireframes, to written copy, to creating a sitemap and some simple designs in Adobe XD, I prepared as possible before writing a single line of code. I used this planning time as the creative process and when it was time to code I was ready to get to work and didn’t need to concern myself with the details any longer. I coded this particular project faster than anything else I’ve built where I am being creative and problem-solving while coding. I will certainly keep this in mind in the future, especially for client work it will improve my workflow going forward.

How do you do testing, and what do you think about it? How would you improve QA?

We can use tools like stress, spike, and unit testing to test our code. Setting up tests can certainly be a lot of work and is a job in its own right. Another type of testing I like to do is more UX based — how it looks on various devices, what it feels like to actually use an app, etc. Some of these things are best reserved for an actual human and is a good area to ask for user feedback to improve in the future.

What tools do you use to find a performance bug?

Popping up messages with `alert()`, Logging lines to console with `console.log()`, Pausing code execution with the `debugger`. The chrome dev tools are an endlessly useful tool for debugging. Another good option is using a linting tool such as ESLint to check your code. To debug API request and responses use tools such as Postman to check your routes.

What is the preferred method of resolving unhandled exceptions in Node.js?

Best option: Process

process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {// Handle the error safelyconsole.log(err)})

Another option: try and catch

try {setTimeout(function() {var err = new Error('Hello')throw err}, 1000)}catch (err) {// Example error won't be caught// here... crashing our application// hence the need for domains}

How does Node.js support multi-processor platforms, and does it fully utilize all processor resources?

Node.js is by default a single-thread application. While it may not “fully utilize” all processor resources it does have ways of “better utilizing” them. One such way is the Cluster module which will run multiple node processes on the same port.

Why is typically the first argument passed to a Node.js callback handler?

Error handling!

